Naziv projekta: INTENSE - From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European countries
Opis projekata: Why do we need INTENSE? The international project INTENSE — Intelligent energy saving measures for municipal housing in Central and Eastern Europe, supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Commission is addressing the complexity of holistic energy sound urban planning and triggering comprehensive thinking about energy efficiency in 12 countries from Estonia until Croatia.With INTENSE we want to highlight that energy saving is not just about putting better insulation on the walls of a building placing solar panels on its roof. The greatest savings can be achieved if energy efficiency plays the guiding role already in the planning phase of a new living quarter or retrofitting of a house. Location and orientation of buildings and their connection to public transport are equally important as the choice of materials, technical solutions, and their proper installation. Not to forget that the residents are well informed about what they can to reduce their consumption of electricity and heat energy.
In INTENSE, non-governmental organizations and municipalities work together with support from expert organizations in Germany and implement a rich set of actions to improve energy efficient construction in their region.
Razdoblje provođenja projekta: 01/10/2008-31/09/2011.
INTENSE addresses municipalities, building professionals as well as the general public and it aims to
- Assess legal background and show opprtunities for municipalities
- To optimize the process of urban planning To transfer best practice experience
- To train municipal planners and building professionals to implement energy sound solutions in practice
- Enable municipalities to better communicate energy efficiency to the their citizens