Sightseeing run
Enjoy a 6-kilometre run combining sports and sightseeing.



40 min
40 min

The route starts on the King Tomislav Square, leading to the Perkovčeva Street, and then Milana Langa Street, alongside the Franciscan Church of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary. From the Langova Street, by the Odvojak Vladimira Nazora the route leads to Mirnovečka Road. Here, it turns left, towards the Ulica grada Wirgesa, then again left leading all the way to Ulica Bleiburških žrtava (behind Samobor Sports Hall). On the roundabout it turns left, in the Andrija Hebrang Street, into Šmidhenova, Obrtnička and Starogradska Streets to Vugrinščak, from where it leads to the main square flowing the Gradna Stream.