Samobor kremšnita
Samobor is well-known for Samobor kremšnita.

There are so many texts written about Samobor kremšnita (custard slice) that it seems to be nothing to add. Certainly, it is one of the symbols and the first association of Samobor in Croatia and beyond. The dessert is the reason why everyone is always happy to come to Samobor, and it is almost unthinkable for anyone to visit and not try a delicate, light yellowish cream between a thin leafy dough. It is the reason to wait in the line. There are several recipes for this cake, but Samobor kremšnita is unique because of its preparation.
"Sanoborska kremšnita has made Samobor famous". It is a rare dessert that can be praised for being chanted in the poem, the one especially dedicated to it. The poem was written by Joža Prudeus, a teacher and writer from Samobor. This dessert is just one of the products from the great gastro heritage of Samobor.
You can find it in every pastry shop, it is prepared all over the world. It is made from eggs, milk and flour. Some would say that there is no difference when the ingredients are the same. Still, not all of such cakes are made by the same recipe. They can be firm and dense, just like pudding. Some producers work with the addition, putting cream on the surface, before the upper crust, while the others are decorating them with chocolate glazing. Crusts are prepared in different ways, some prefer that they are softer, and others are more tougher. And that's exactly what makes the difference between seemingly the same sweat. If you ask citizens of Samobor, everyone will tell you that Samobor kremšnita is the only right one. Always fresh and warm, foamy, they melt in the mouth.