Hydropathic baths - Vugrinščak
Refreshment in hot summer days.
Even though the climate in Samobor is mild, every additional refreshment in hot summer days is very welcomed. The solution for all locals and visitors is at Vugrinščak which offers a big pool and a smaller one for children. There is also an offer of food and drinks at hand as well as the beach volleyball court and children’s playground.
The pools have been renovated in 2019 and its management is now in the hands of the city office which manages Samobor’s sports facilities. During summer, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. is reserved for Samobor’s school children and then they can enjoy the pools for free, while the time before and after that is open for all others.
By the way, popular Samobor’s “hydropathic” baths were open in 1889 thanks to the famous Samobor’s resourcefulness. A year before, the city received a “high-order instruction” from Vienna for all reserve funds of the Samobor savings bank to be sent to Vienna to cover the costs of the celebration of Franz Joseph I reigning anniversary. However, the shareholders decided that instead they will show their “unwavering loyalty to the Emperor” by building the pools at Vugrinščak.
The baths were profitable only for a year so the Samobor savings bank let the management of the baths to the Municipality under the requirement that all employees of the bank enjoy free entrance for life.
Until 1906 the baths found a new owner, they underwent updates and were named “Hydropathic Institute for Physical Therapy, Hydrotherapy and Electrotherapy with Baths of Carbonic Acids, Hot Air, Steam and Massage” and together with the adjoining hotel and pension with 17 rooms, which is today the Lavica Hotel, Samobor received a fresh tourist uplift.
Working hours:
Monday – Friday:
7:30 – 9 a.m. for citizens
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. for Samobor’s elementary school children
3 – 8:30 p.m. for citizens
Saturday, Sunday, holidays:
10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
The entrance for adults is HRK 20, and in the morning HRK 10. The children under 7 have a free entrance but have to be accompanied by an adult, while the children aged 7-14 outside the reserved time pay HRK 10 for entrance.