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Samobor – Veliki Dol (530 m) – Oštrc (752 m)

Ascent duration: 2.5 hours
Distance: 17.4 km
Difficulty: 2/5


The starting point is the Samobor Museum, from where the promenade along the Gradna Creek leads to Tavern Gabreku 1929. Then one should turn left, following trail markers, into Taborec Street and proceed further on along Rudarska draga Street. Behind the parking lot, turn right and then left into Čudomerščak Street. The ascent along a forest trail starts from there and reaches the settlement of Palačnik where the trail meets an asphalt road, turns left and passes through the settlement, and after the last house it again turns right into the forest. Following trail markers, one reaches an intersection of mountain paths. The left path leads to the peak Veliki Črnec, and the right path to the mountain cottage Ivica Sudnik at Veliki Dol (2 hours from Samobor).

After passing the mountain lodge, the path again reaches an intersection from which both routes will take you to Oštrc in 30 or 40 minutes. From the mountain lodge Željezničar, the peak itself can be reached in 10 minutes taking a path up a steep slope. There are also two options for the descent.

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