Last year, Advent in Samobor was very vivid and gladly frequented by many people, so nothing less is expected this year as well.
For the third consecutive year, Croatia Rally will be one of the thirteen rounds of the World Championship in the most demanding motorsports discipline. Traditionally, massive spectators are expected at Smerovišće, at popular hairpin curve.
For the third consecutive year, Croatia Rally will be one of the thirteen rounds of the World Championship in the most demanding motorsports discipline. Already in the first two editions, international media called the event on Croatian asphalt a classic for it’s demanding stages and epic finals. The Ceremonial Start and Finish as well as the Service Park will be located in Zagreb, and the competition will be held from April 20 to 23 at area of five counties.
The world's best rally crews will have to tackle 20 Special Stages. Competitors and spectators will get to know several Croatian regions, see beautiful landscapes – valleys, mountains, forests and the sea, as well as historical landmarks such as castles and churches that create the perfect backdrop for this rally. The previous two editions of the WRC competition in Croatia were decided at the last special stage (Power Stage), which raised the excitement to the maximum. This year's itinerary has undergone only minor edits, which should guarantee another exciting rally. Four stages will be held at Zagreb county, three on Friday and one on Saturday. Traditionally, massive spectators are expected at Smerovišće, at popular hairpin curve.
Last year's WRC Croatia Rally gathered as many as 310,000 spectators along the special stages. Together with the competitors, according to a study by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb, they generated spending of 105 million euros. A third of visitors arrived from abroad, mostly from neighboring countries, but there were also those who traveled several thousand kilometers to enjoy bravurous rides in cars that represent the peak of technological development. Crews in the strongest, WRC1 category, compete in hybrid cars that develop more than 500 horsepower in a combination of petrol and electric engines.
Published: 20.03.2023.