The Grave of Julijana Cantilly
Julijana Cantilly lit the love flame in the young poet Stanko Vraz (Jakob Frass).

Julijana Cantilly lit he love flame in the young poet Stanko Vraz (Jakob Frass) during his visit to his friends the Illyrians in 1833. In his verses, lovely Julijana became Ljubica, but in 1837 she also became Mrs Engler because her father married her to a rich tradesman from Ljubljana. Vraz’s love therefore remained only on the pages of his poem collection “Đulabije”, while Julijana gave birth to a son and a daughter and soon passed away in 1842. Still, the echoes of love have survived because her grave near the parish church is adorned by the love verses of Stanko Vraz and has become the meeting place of poets who once a year come to Samobor to recite their love verses inspired by the words inscribed on her last resting place: Lice, oči usta, tri riječi malene, al’ se od njih rodiše pjesni nebrojene – Face, eyes, mouth, three short words inspiring numerous poems.