Sundial that integrates two different sundials: a horizontal and a vertical in one entity.
Downstream, at the end of the walkway by the Gradna stream, in 2015 the Society of Engineers and Technicians of the town of Samobor placed a sundial. Since then you can just take a look where the shadow falls and find out the precise time without the wonders of modern technology.
The Society gave the sundial to the town of Samobor as a gift marking the 20th anniversary of their work and when it was placed it was the seventy-first such sundial in Croatia, but theirs is different from the other similar sundials in the world because it integrates two different sundials: a horizontal and a vertical sundial in one architectural entity. Besides, this architectural miniature includes wise quotations of famous astronomers responsible for the development of the heliocentric system concept and haiku verses related to sundials all carved in the floor.
A sundial is an ancient astronomic device, a science instrument that follows the movements of the Sun in the sky and shows the precise time with the deviations of more or less 5 minutes.