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Parish Church of Saint Ivan the Baptist

“The old parish church” was blessed by the cardinal Franjo Kuharić.

Parish Church of Saint Ivan the Baptist

“The old parish church”, as the parishioners call the hall in which holy masses have been held for over twenty-five years, was blessed by the cardinal Franjo Kuharić. Since 2004 the sacraments are given and holy masses are being held in the “new church”, together with kermesse festivals.

The bell, weighing 788 kilos and dedicated to Saint Anastasia, was a gift by the City Administration of the City of Samobor. Behind the main altar there is a stained-glass window with Saint John the Baptist who baptizes Jesus, which was a gift by Tomo Petrić.

The new church of Saint John the Baptist was consecrated on 26 June 2011 by the Cardinal Josip Bozanić, Zagreb archbishop, together with some twenty priests. The church has a classic form with the elements of Neoclassicism with a 35 metres high tower.