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Educational trail: The Sources of Life

Trail called The Sources of Life which, like the name suggests, puts water in the focus.

45 min

On the area of Žumberak – Samobor Hills Nature Park there is an educational trail called The Sources of Life which, like the name suggests, puts water in the focus. Preparing the trail, the vegetation was cleared, the environment was cleaned and the locations that used to serve as water sources were renovated. Located only a ten-minute drive from the Budinjak Eco Centre, the trail is marked with wooden pillars containing the plaques with the direction of the route and the points on the trail.

This educational trail will teach you about how our ancestors used water, why puddles and sources are now deserted and what is their importance for the preservation of biological diversity. People used to gather around these few sources of potable water and a number of puddles not only to satisfy their needs and the need of their farm animals or to wash, but they were an important social hub and the heart of the community.

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