Organizer: Bunker, Samobor, Klub cestovnog i planinskog trčanja Samobor, Slatki Samoborci, Grad Samobor, Vecernji.hr
Organizer: Pou Samobor
Annual festival of garlic flavoured sausage češnofka.
The last stage of famous Croatian cycling race starts in Samobor.
Ancient habit of decorating the beech branches next to water springs.
Organizer: JU Zeleni prsten Zagrebačke županije
Saint Juraj’s Chapel
Organizer: Tamburaški sastav Samoborci
The Well on the Main Square
Organizer: Ogranak Matice hrvatske Samobor, Etno Fletno
Traditional event from this area.
The Well on the Main Square
Organizer: Ogranak MH Samobor
The last stage of famous Croatian cycling race starts in Samobor.
Ancient habit of decorating the beech branches next to water springs.
Traditional event from this area.